Everything is Sacred

Everything is Sacred

Connecting with the land and sea was my first intention for journeying back to Ireland. The other was to see more megalithic sites from 5000 or more years ago. Inis Mor is covered with them and it was a wonderful experience to explore them back in September of last year.

There is something incredibly special about being in silence where people came together 5000 years ago to connect with each other in reverence to the Earth, Spirit or even for protection. It isn’t difficult to feel the essence of these places for many were built in natural concentrations of Earth energy.

Yesterday while in the Burren National Park I stepped up to a very large rock that towered over my head and was massive in size. I leaned against it and placed my forehead against the rough, gray surface and went into silence.

I heard clearly that every place is sacred and not to be attached to visit places where others gathered, even if they left behind structures and carvings of art. There are many places that have not been labeled and they are just as sacred. The message continued, “Feel the energies of each place and go to where you feel guided. You will feel the true source of power behind the place in its raw form, not changed due to thousands of tourists who visit and thus alter the energies.”

It made perfect sense. In the park there was the sweetest energy on the trail we walked. It felt like a cocoon of nurturing calm. There were several places that invited me closer and made me want to simply immerse myself in the rugged landscape and quiet groves of ash trees.

Everything is sacred. It’s up to us to slow down and listen for the whispers that guide us deeper into relationship with the Earth and Her children. When we do that, there’s no telling what we will discover.

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