Ridiculous Beauty of the Dawn
Take a chance. Risk the extra burden. So what if the sand is soft and your burden is more difficult to bear. It’s time.
Take the leap. Never mind the excuses or reasons to fear. Do it.
Oh, but it’s heavy. What if it rains? What if it lightnings and I have to make a run for it? What if? What if? What if?
Take a chance. Risk moving beyond fear.
The sand is soft. Walking isn’t easy. It begins to sprinkle. It’s lightning off shore.
Something has shifted. I feel surrendered to the Path. I laugh and keep moving….it’s okay.
The light begins to paint the clouds…the layers and layers of clouds. I stop. I cannot move. The light pierces my disbelief….my doubting…my fears.
Look at me, it says. Look….at….me.
Tears kiss my cheeks. Laughter erupts from my toes…up and up and up through my belly….through my heart….my mouth and finally my eyes laugh at the beauty….unable to hold back. Not wanting to.
I lift my hands to the sky. My fingers play with orange, yellow and golden light. My heart shines through dancing fingertips.
My camera whispers, Pick me up, love.
My creative heart dances with glass and metal and electronics. The shutter clunks, the LED screen illuminates beauty that makes me gasp for breath.
At the end of suffering and pain, after the trials and storms, there is beauty waiting. It’s here. Now. Look up…with your heart.
The challenges and trials of the summer created a place of choice. Do I move deeper? Do I walk away in frustration?
My life coach has held my hand from afar and encouraged me to move deeper, to move beyond the obstacles within me reflected in the outer world. He has encouraged me to reach high and deep for love. And to not allow anything to keep my feet from the Path.
As I walk in the Sacred Temple of the Seashore I hear through the particles of light, This is what awaits the hard work of transformation. This beauty, beyond anything you have known, is what awaits those who remain true to the Path to which their soul calls.
Well, that does it. I leap and shout for joy! Why try to contain it? My open heart sings and salty tears flow to the sea. And I am made new.
So much has happened in the past twenty-four hours to open my eyes to the possibilities when I make as a mantra these words, I am willing.
He writes this morning, “Let your light shine in every corner of the world!” Everyone needs a life coach….a beloved friend who sees what we sometimes cannot see.
My gratitude list grows as I dance in the ridiculous beauty of the dawn.