Gotta Change Our Way of Thinkin’

Gotta Change Our Way of Thinkin’

Last week I attended the annual homeowner’s meeting in our neighborhood. All was going well until just before the meeting adjourned. A guy brought up the fact that a neighbor, who is not a member of the association was receiving the community bulletin board emails. He was irate. Another guy became irate, then another and I felt like I was watching nice, decent men transform into two-year-olds throwing a temper tantrum because two of their neighbor kids refused to join their koolaid club.

While I make light of the display, it upset me for days. The precipitating event was many years in the past but these men were holding thought forms that made it 100% real just last Sunday. I could actually see an energy shift in their faces and it was as if they were possessed by something nasty, something scary even. These are very nice guys so how could they transmute into such angry, spiteful beings?

Of course, I had to speak up….perhaps things in the past should be left there…don’t we want to create a sense of community through communicating with each other? Why such anger after so many years? It’s not like they’re getting free cable.

After recovering from the emotional outburst I witnessed and processing it within myself, I saw it as a tremendous teaching. This is exactly what happens when we refuse to change our way of thinking. The thought forms grow in strength and become more and more real.

How many times have you heard corporation CEO’s or politicians or your neighbor or even yourself say some of these things? “It’s impossible to switch from fossil fuels.” “We have to use fossil fuels.” “We can’t do without oil rigs in the Gulf.” “There’s not enough wind to make windmills useful.” “Solar is too expensive.”

I could go on but you get the drift. Each time we think these thoughts or others like them, we are literally creating a world where those statements become reality. I have heard many times that our thoughts create the reality in which we live. Group thoughts are even more powerful, as I saw last weekend.

Who are you listening to these days? What are the thoughts you repeat to yourself and others?

“Gonna change my way of thinkin,’ make myself a different set of rules. Gonna put my good foot forward, Stop being influenced by fools.” These lyrics from Bob Dylan offer something to think about…literally THINK about. We have the power–our MINDS–to begin to change this world. First we must listen to what we’re saying to ourselves and others. Then we can begin to change our way of thinkin’ and make a better world.

3 Replies to “Gotta Change Our Way of Thinkin’”

  1. Excellent – love this! I’ve been changing a lot of how I think and behave in the world. For me, it starts with what information I let in. I don’t watch any TV whatsoever, and the content that I choose to read online is largely curated to what inspires me. When I find myself getting dragged down by something, I chose to ‘change the channel’ figuratively speaking and read or listen to something that inspires me to be my best self.

    We can change. Many have already. We just need to decide to do it.

    Thanks for being one of the channels that is always inspiring to me! 🙂

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