Frog Chorus Sings Back-Up to Chuck-Will’s Widow

Frog Chorus Sings Back-Up to Chuck-Will’s Widow

I had just finished cleaning up dinner dishes and decided to sit on my porch–the screened porch that has become my favorite room in my new home. I eat there, drink my morning coffee there, contemplate nature, check email, visit Facebook….play with my cat friend Stanley there. I find this place–nestled off of a quaint, lush courtyard centered around a massive live oak tree–to be a most amenable place in which to live, move and have my being.

So….I was sitting in the darkening light of dusk listening to a little wren’s bubbling trills and rattles as she busily finished her tasks of the day. Down toward the river a low, nasal humming began–frog chorus. It started and stopped a few times and as the wren finished her last-minute details, the frogs began again and continued with a most pleasing musical rendition of “Light is Leaving, Leaving, Leaving.”

Suddenly, a chuck-will’s-widow began whistling and with that outburst of song, nighttime officially arrived.

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