Beauty is My Passion
Over the years there has been a narrowing of focus. I steadfastly have endeavored to serve and help humanity evolve, with the end goal of promoting planetary stewardship. Sound idealistic? Unrealistic? Did I drink hemlock-spiked egg nog?
Paying attention, listening, being still with a calm mind….little tools we can use to help us find our way. And as we progress through our trials, dead-ends, and times lacking in joy, and surrender to our life’s calling, we become more content.
My personal journey has led me deeper into beauty, most significantly the beauty found in nature. The glance of a pelican as it soars past, the gaze from a shark as it swims alongside, a sea turtle hatchling gazing up at me as she scoots past….the whisper of trees as they sway in the wind and countless moments spent outdoors call me to recognize beauty, to champion it and to celebrate it.
Over the years I’ve struggled with direction and purpose and wandering…and wondering. It comes down to this simple truth for me: Beauty is my passion. It is my sincerest desire to translate it to others through photography and writing. With no agenda, no push to make others see….because without this expression my life dries up and I feel off course.
What is your passion? How does it influence your life?
6 Replies to “Beauty is My Passion”
My passion is to make a difference every day even if in a small way, somewhere, somehow, andI hope that wherever I go, I leave a positive imprint if any imprint at all. Love your work, Simone. Love it.
It is great to share the planet with you and other like-minds artists!
You are so amazing! And your passion is truly evident with all the beauty you share on your blog and Nature Moments!! Thanks for making my day evertime you post anything!! I pray for a new direction finding purpose this new year; and by reading and seeing your “work” it will be the inspiration to assist my mental goals. Thanks for being YOU!!! 😀
I think as long as we are awake and aware in the moment and can get still enough to listen, we know what we are to do. Your work is stunning and you teach the rest of about why and how to care for our planet. Thanks for it all!
Thank you so much Robin. You and so many of us are working, each in our own way, to help heal the planet….which begins with healing ourselves.
Thank you Eydie. Your support is so appreciated!! Each of us is working to heal ourselves and that’s always the best place to start.