Welcome Home Sweetheart

Welcome Home Sweetheart

simonelipscomb (25)She drew the story of her dance of love and left it for us to witness the beauty–of life and birth. She is a wild artist, with a flair for the dramatic, this siren of the deep, this lovely mother.

In the dark of night, with starlight lighting her way, she heaved herself out of the water and crawled ashore. Dragging her body, filled with eggs–with hope, did she pull her way up the beach.

simonelipscomb (27)Digging with her back flippers, she made a nest where 131 moist, fat eggs were slowly dropped, then covered.

Off she slid, down the steep, sand bank and crawled along the water’s edge creating a lovely portrait of her journey, left behind for those lucky enough to witness it and see.

simonelipscomb (20)This southern sweetheart is welcomed home to the beach where she was born over twenty years ago. Join with me in celebrating our first sea turtle nest of the year in Alabama.

2 Replies to “Welcome Home Sweetheart”

  1. Hooray for you all! The first mother’s eggs are a big reason to clebrate! Hoping our beaches will welcome many, many more without any problems!!! Many thanks to you and all the volunteers.


    Date: Mon, 20 May 2013 17:04:00 +0000 To: eydied1@hotmail.com

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