Tag: Pensacola Museum of Art

The Art of the Brick

The Art of the Brick

1773077_origI’ll be the first to admit that sometimes the value of art eludes me and I struggle to ‘understand’ it or find meaning in it. That doesn’t diminish my appreciation of it though as I admire anyone who has the courage to bring into the physical realm an idea, a spark of inspiration. But today it was pretty easy to find meaning in LEGO, an exhibit at the Pensacola Museum of Art.

_4834596“Where does my art fall in the art world? I leave that to art critics and art students. I just have fun. It’s art made out of a toy. Hopefully it inspires kids and maybe grown-ups too, to go home and make art themselves.” Nathan Sawaya.


The artist left a promising career as an attorney nearly 10 years ago to play, to have fun. Perhaps a good lesson for all of us. Even if we don’t dedicate ourselves to it full-time, we can carve out an hour here or there to let our creative impulses find expression.

3262967_origNathan’s exhibit was hailed as one of the top twelve “must-see” exhibitions in the world by CNN. And it started from play and continues as play. His fun in childhood with LEGO has continued through his life and his imagination has carried him around the world with his sculptures.

6456367_origWhat if each of us followed our passion and allowed the sense of play to fuel creativity. There would probably be a lot less violence, a lot less anti-depressants prescribed and a lot more joy. Can LEGO art change the world? Perhaps not but your art could change your life…and therefore change the world for you.

8942526_origThe exhibit is on display until August 10th. If you have a chance check it out and spend some time in the building room to create your own LEGO fun.