In Love with the World
There can be a tendency to shut down as we move through life. Experiences that generate fear are at the bottom of a closed heart. In a Course in Miracles there’s a very famous quote that says, “What is not love is fear.” This seems more true with each passing day.
When I documented the Gulf Oil Spill for a year I found myself unable to function very well in almost every other aspect of my life because I was so traumatized by what I saw and experienced. At the time my closing down was a self-preservation tactic. And so it is, especially with childhood trauma or in times of disaster or immediate loss. We close down to be able to function.
It took a week with like-minded people under Joanna Macy’s guidance for me to begin to unravel the tight shroud of protection I had woven around myself. A week of learning and healing with Joanna and 30 other folks dedicated to working on helping the planet was a jump-start back to an open heart and more effective living.
Life has rocked along since then with major life-changes occurring including a move back home from the mountains of North Carolina to the beloved Gulf Coast. Since returning home I worked five seasons as a sea turtle volunteer and helped in a manatee rescue near my home. I’ve written and produced three books and am working on two more now. I have traveled and visited with humpback whales, dolphins, sea lions and manatees. I’ve visited the Sea of Cortez twice. But even with all the creative energy experienced, it has felt like there’s something missing.
I’ve spent time exploring the missing piece and have gradually come to realize that my time as a ‘hermit’ is coming to an end. I’ve hidden from the world, in a way, and spent time in deep contemplation and while that’s good, I have kept the world at arm’s length. It can be a crazy, schizo world after all.
The planet is working very hard to balance itself. Increasing temperature and pollution is accelerating changes that were long and slow in the past. We’re seeing the climate change in one lifetime in what should take millennia and seeing species go extinct daily. Cancer rates are outrageous because of toxins humans have added to the environment. It’s a lot to take in and process….especially if you are one inclined to enjoy sanity. Thus, the withdrawal on my part.
So after this extended time of retreat I find myself wanting to move out into the world. And one of the ideas that has presented is traveling throughout our beautiful country sharing my body of work about the beauty of the Ocean of saltwater that surrounds all land forms on this water planet…the perfect metaphor for the Ocean of Love in which we all exist.
A little teardrop camper, a vehicle to pull it and me and Buddy visiting places and people….connecting Ocean-to-Ocean on this amazing continent. Video presentations, workshops and book sales are just the beginning. Look for it some day. I want to spread love and light and champion the amazing Ocean planet on which we live and encourage people to join together in understanding and connecting with each other and nature. Why? Because I am in love with the world, after all.