Wharf crabsHow much impact does a species have to have on you to gain your respect? Does it need to be able to read and write? Or be food for you or other humans? What defines respect? What criteria do we set to make choices about whether we act respectfully to another species or a river or ocean? Must there be a direct payoff to us for us to cultivate appreciation or respect?
Perhaps we show respect to that which we value. Can we gauge the value humans place on our planet…wild places, wildlife…by the level of respect exhibited?
If there is a direct relationship between value and respect there is much work to be done…within us all. Let it begin now.
A (wo)man sister!! I loved your last post…and just haven’t had time to respond. Keep up the wonderful soulful journey/writing! I really do hope one of these days, we can have the gift of sharing some time!! XO
One Reply to “The Nature of Respect”
A (wo)man sister!! I loved your last post…and just haven’t had time to respond. Keep up the wonderful soulful journey/writing! I really do hope one of these days, we can have the gift of sharing some time!! XO