To Infinity and Beyond!

Buzz Lightyear is an optimistic character in the movie Toy Story. He’s excited about the future and illustrates that by saysing, “To infinity and beyond,” several times in the movie. Recent star gazing has helped me become optimistic about the future as well.

Watching Orion rise last night and slowly, ever-so-slowly, make its way above the bare limbs of the trees, I felt myself slow down and drop into stillness. I explored other areas of the night sky as I patiently waited for the nebula to clear the branches of my tree friends. Slowing down, I felt the comforting reality of Nature’s rhythms that will be here long-term. Everything else dropped away…concerns, worries, politics. Gone, lost in the star dust from light years away.

Perhaps our only task is to align ourselves with the seasonal rhythms, the dance of stars and planets, and learn what it means to be aligned with Life. Maybe we can lay down the fight against each other, against the planet, and remember…in our deepest core…what it means to live in Oneness with all life. It’s time to insert ourselves back into the workings of the Universe and stop trying to rule it with our human egos.

I’m excited to enter a new calendar year with optimism that we can remember how to work cooperatively with all life…and especially each other. To infinity and beyond, sisters and brothers! To infinity and beyond.