For several days there has been a gathering of vultures just outside my courtyard. Perched in live oak trees, these mysterious birds have surrounded my home. The dog that lives down the street has come up and barked at them for hours each day which has created a bit of an annoyance. Today I realized that he was simply helping me pay attention.
As I was writing yesterday afternoon, I had a vulture fly past my upstairs window and decided I had overlooked their message long enough. When I started reading the native symbology of them it was clear that I really needed to listen to the wisdom being presented.
In Egyptian mythology, the goddess Maat carried the feature of a vulture. She was considered to be the Goddess of Truth. Yesterday I was asked to remove a Facebook post. This might have been an innocent request but it felt energetically as if someone was trying to silence me and the truth…a simple explanation of a story as it was told to me. It created a fiery reaction that caused blocked energy within me to burst free. So I’m grateful for the reminder to always speak my truth and release any attachment to how others receive what I write.
Vulture is said to restore harmony to that which is broken and serves to help keep the environment clean and in balance. This is the essence of the work I feel called to do. Our planet is abused and life upon it disrespected. It is my intense hope that my photographs and writing will help, in some way, restore the sacred balance and create harmony.
Another symbolic meaning of vulture energy is that it facilitates a return to the self. Isn’t that what we’re all trying to do? Return to our deepest, truest self? Eventually….hopefully.
Lastly, vulture energy helps decide whether or not something doesn’t smell right in my life. This reminds me to pay attention to people, places and directions that don’t feel right and act accordingly.
As I walked in the cool misty air this morning I thought how cool it would be to have a vulture feather as a reminder of living my Truth. Shortly thereafter I found a small one. But before my walk was over I found three large wing feathers and another small one. I received four times what I had asked for and am grateful for the bounty.
It is my belief that if we stick to our Path, the work we feel called to do, the return will be beyond our wildest dreams. And this reminds me of the parable of the talents found in Matthew. My hair stylist reminded me of this story yesterday morning. Three men are given money (talents) and their master departs. Two of them invest, take risks and generate more money. The third buries his to protect it. When the master returns the one who played it safe by hiding his money is rebuked. He didn’t use what he was given to multiply his talents.
“I was afraid I would lose your money, so I hid it in the earth. Look, here is your money. But the master replied, ‘You wicked and lazy servant….”To those who use well what they are given, even more will be given, and they will have an abundance. But from those who do nothing, even what little they have will be taken away. Now throw this useless servant into outer darkness, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth.” Matthew 25.
Over the past few weeks I have experienced fear of investing more money into my work yet moved forward anyway. With what I have been given, I chose to invest in the Path laid before me…in what I consider the work of my heart. The story brought tears as Laramie recounted it.
Yesterday I thanked Laramie for sharing the story that helped me relax and trust on a deeper level. Today I thanked the vultures who have brought much-needed awareness into my life. I thanked Freddy Wayne for his incessant barking that caused me to notice the vultures and I thanked nature for supporting me, loving me and bringing messages when I most need them. And to Spirit who somehow brings it all through to a sometimes fearful soul…you know, I’m your gal.