Tag: Nature’s Teachings

Finding Peace

Finding Peace

SimoneLipscomb (8)Jesse Norman’s beautiful voice blended with the strings as she sang Vier latest Lieder: IV. Im Abendrot. During breakfast I had been reading Thousand Mile Song about…well, what else…whales. Lately I have immersed myself in all things whale, from scientific to spiritual in an effort to gain understanding of their wisdom.

SimoneLipscomb (106)Since spending a week with humpback whales in March my life hasn’t been the same. As I sat on the top deck of the large boat making its way back to land after being moored 80 miles offshore, I watched humpbacks. Already filled with emotion and listening to Whales Alive, I spotted a large pectoral fin rise up out of the water and slap over and over again. With each slap I cried harder. My entire life had been leading me to humpbacks and now I was leaving them. Yet the large whale lazily slapping her 15 foot pectoral fin created a communion between us that I will always remember.

SimoneLipscomb (39)Integrating the many powerful moments with humpbacks into my daily has been difficult. After such a life-changing experience how can I return to land, to life without their magnificent presence?

SimoneLipscomb (7)Recently I have made progress by spending time in meditation… listening… connecting. Reading more about quantum physics and understanding that we really are One with all life has helped me bring a deeper awareness of humpback whales and all of nature into my mind. The deep, profound peace I experienced with a mother humpback and her calf is returning as I spend time in stillness and silence….listening.

SimoneLipscomb (67)This morning, the sweet music called me to embody the mother humpback in movement. My excessively long arms became pectoral fins and I made peace with my body and the fact that sleeves are rarely long enough. As a humpback whale my graceful, long ‘arms’ would give me the ability to breach and turn and call to lovers with powerful slaps on the water’s surface.

SimoneLipscomb (81)As I moved gently and slowly with the music, allowing the essence of the whale to fill me, tears flowed and profound peace enveloped me. My relationship with humpbacks continues to unfold and their beauty and wisdom guides me as I surrender…opening deeper, deeper into the stillness of my own being.

Cathedral of Sunrise

Cathedral of Sunrise

_TSL1819Sea turtle patrol is one of my favorite summer volunteer efforts. Actually, it’s more than that. It’s my time in the cathedral of sunrise on the shore. Every venture onto the white sand to look for mother sea turtle tracks is an opportunity to commune with the sea, sky, sand and wildlife found in and around the saltwater.

_TSL1820And while all of that communing is incredible, amazing, relaxing, and awe-inspiring, time on the beach, with no other humans, gives me time to commune with my deepest self. It’s almost as good as being underwater on scuba or in the water with humpback whales or manatees.

_TSL1893Nature is my cathedral. It’s where I see Spirit manifested so powerfully, so beautifully. The dance of life is so evident here where saltwater meets earth…the convergence zone of watery existence and land-based living. The sound of the surf is the hymn for this time of contemplation and celebration.

_TSL1900Finding a mother sea turtle’s tracks is a bonus, the proverbial icing on the cake. Each encounter with great blue herons, sanderlings, willets, dolphins, tiny just-hatched mullet, crabs, coquina shells, sand, sea, sunrise, clouds…always gifts that are received with a grateful heart.

Tilting at Windmills

Tilting at Windmills

Pablo Picasso's Don Quixote
Pablo Picasso’s Don Quixote

“Do you see over yonder, friend Sancho, thirty or forty hulking giants? I intend to do battle with them and slay them. With their spoils we shall begin to be rich for this is a righteous war and the removal of so foul a brood from off the face of the earth is a service God will bless.” Thus spoke Don Quixote in the novel written in the early 1600’s.

Equipment removing tar mats from Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge Summer 2010
Equipment removing tar mats from Bon Secour National Wildlife Refuge Summer 2010

There are times when I feel very much like Don Quixote. He might not have doubted his sanity but I doubt mine as I work to bring light to the environmental issues facing all of us. It feels like an unrealistic, impractical or even impossible goal. It may be noble but sometimes it seems completely unrealistic and perhaps even delusional.

SimoneLipscomb (7)The goal I set for myself is to be a bridge between nature and humanity. A bridge that raises awareness, increases communication and ultimately helps human and non-human life.

SimoneLipscomb (1)I believe the only way to help the planet is to help humans connect with…fall in love with…nature. This love will create compassion, care and wise stewardship. But there are days when it just feels as if the windmills…or oil rigs…or congressmen…or CEO’s…..really are hulking giants that will continue to destroy our Ocean planet…no matter how many crazy people like me write, photograph, document, sing or raise awareness through positive action.

SimoneLipscomb (5)There is no Sancho friend on this journey with me so at times the journey seems lonely. Yet today, as I cycled through the backcountry of Gulf State Park, I was reminded that humans are a part of nature. Every plant, animal, insect…everything is connected like diamonds in a web. So therefore, I am never alone. And neither are you. Perhaps our greatest error is to think we are separate, alone, divorced from that which sustains us.

SimoneLipscomb (10)For the past nine years I have dedicated my life to working full-time to help people connect with nature through writing, photography and videography. Living off of retirement funds and investing in equipment, book publication and travel to document unique places or species and to present programs to anyone who will listen, I have many times doubted my sanity. Why not just relax and forget this work?

SimoneLipscomb (8)Because…..Love knows no boundaries. I came into this life to make a positive difference and even if I’m tilting at those proverbial windmills, at least I am doing something.

SimoneLipscomb (9)
Latest version of the cover of my new book

The past couple of days have been challenging and pesky doubts have arisen. But when I checked my mailbox today I had another partner for my new book, Manatee Mindfulness, with a note from my friend that said, “You’re doing great work Simone! Rock on!”

Perhaps I’m not delusional after all. I’m thankful for the reminder from sweet friends! And from nature that reminded me today of the web of life that connects all life to this Ocean planet. We are always connected, never alone.

Sound Magic

Sound Magic

SimoneLipscomb (3)Today as I unloaded my bicycle from the rack, exchanged flip flops for cycling cleats, and donned a helmet, I felt a distinct urge to leave the ear buds and John Butler Trio behind and focus on the sounds of nature. Generally I like this particular music as it has a perfect beat for cycling; however, the ear buds stayed behind and I set the intention of paying attention to nature’s music.

I had barely rounded the first curve when the wind pushed me. Yikes!! Where did this come from? Isn’t it going to be a fun ride? 

SimoneLipscomb (4)First, I noticed my ears experienced a loud roar that comes with increased speed. As I listened past the sound of rushing wind, I noticed tall pines and their long needle foliage were whispering. As I begin the first part of the eighteen miles through the back country of the park, the swishing whispers of the pines was constant.

SimoneLipscombThen scrubby live oak trees rattled in the wind. And the tires on my bicycle crunched dried leaves as I rolled over them. As I tuned my ears, I began hearing other sounds…sweet sounds of birds.

Birds serenaded as I whirled past.  Species changed according to trees and other vegetation found nearby. Pines, scrubby oaks, marsh grasses all harbored different singers. Tweets, trills, whistles…wings flapping filled the morning air.

SimoneLipscomb (6)While riding through a large expanse of very wet marsh, the sound of the tall sedges dancing in the wind was soft and lovely. Nearing the end of the passage through the area, a mourning dove and purple gallinule flew at the same time. The heavier-beat of the dove’s wings flapped while the gallinule’s wings created a softer sound of feathers moving through air. Music.

SimoneLipscomb (1)A squirrel scurrying up the bark of a pine tree….small animals moving in the underbrush…a lizard rushing across leaves….water dripping through a drain pipe….traffic sounds in the distance….another cyclist saying good morning as we passed….my cleats on concrete as I stop to refill my water bottle….

Focusing on sound kept me in the present moment where magic is experienced. I completed the ride feeling peaceful and in tune with nature. In tune with myself.






SimoneLipscomb 7The full moon hanging low in the pre-dawn sky lit the cool, white sand of the wildlife refuge. The path led me along the boundary of a nesting area of least terns down to the edge of the Gulf. Crisp air caressed my face and a slight breeze stirred, barely discernible.

SimoneLipscomb 4 (1)The still-hidden sun created a kaleidoscope of color in the east as the moon set in the western sky. Balance. Perfect balance.

SimoneLipscomb 4I paused a moment, thankful for the quiet beauty that created such peace. The reflections created by nature opened a doorway for inner reflection and in those moments, before my sea turtle patrol began, my breath traveled deeper….deeper, deeper into the depths of inner stillness.

SimoneLipscomb 5Walking in balance, in peace, the colors of the dawn greeted my hungry eyes. Metallic turquoise and deep orange danced in the gathering light upon the surface of the sea. My heart sang with pure joy.

SimoneLipscomb 3The rhythm of all life pulsed in harmony and was felt with every beat of my heart. As the birth of the day quickened, a blanket of pink spread throughout the sky and I felt completely enfolded in peace and light.