Tag: conscious change

This is the Wound

This is the Wound

simonelipscomb (8)The  wound we all carry is that we feel separated from the cosmos.” This was Otto Rank’s conclusion.

Thomas Berry believed that it would take leaders with ‘shamanic personalities’–people that could bring about a deeper sense of the sacred–to heal this wound. There is no one career path that produces these leaders. They come from all walks of life and guide us to reconnect with Earth and the Cosmos in a sacred manner.

simonelipscombBack to the instinctual, back to feeling our hearts beat in unison with the Earth, with each other. Back to an understanding that all life is worthy of compassion, love, attention….care. People called to do this work often carry a wound  but often it is the wound of the larger community.

Out of the concrete and glass and artificial light into the sunlight and dirt and clear water reflecting the beauty of creation. Away from plastic boxes with fingers glued to keyboards into the dirt with fingers warm from soil and microbes enlivening our living planet.

simonelipscomb (1)Each of us has the capacity to transform our own lives and our planet by living the example. Conscious effort every day, every hour. Where does water from the faucet originate? What makes electricity that powers my computer  and air conditioner…coal, solar, wind, oil? Where does my garbage go? Where do recyclables go? Conscious connection, mindful connection of how our needs are met.

Thomas Berry wrote and taught about the ‘grand liturgy of the universe.’ He suggested the universe itself is a ritual and called us to participate in it. Be aware…be present with this beautiful functioning of life.

Black Elk said, “The human heart is a sanctuary at the center of which there is a little space, wherein the Great Spirit dwells, and this is the Eye of the Great Spirit.” Berry said that at the center of every heart lies the center of the universe. So our journey begins in our own heart where we find the Eye of the Great Spirit. When we come from this place of intention, all things are possible.

simonelipscomb (4)How did we get to this disconnect? Berry said we became enchanted with ourselves and our ability to control the functions of the planet. He said, “We have lost our capacity for communication with the natural world in its inner life, its spirit mode. We have become a death-dealing presence.”

The wound….the wound that each of us carries is the disconnect we have from the planet. The solution? Mindfulness. Conscious awareness. Knowing things like if the plankton in the ocean died most living beings on our planet would die. Knowing that the multitude of soil bacteria enable food to be produced and without them, all life would quickly die-off do to starvation. Knowing that we don’t have all the answers and that fascination with our ability to manipulate and control the environment will certainly lead to our downfall unless we wake up.

800_0234“The natural world itself is the primary economic reality, the primary educator, the primary governance, the primary healer, the primary presence of the sacred, the primary moral value. We finally realize that we are earthlings, that we are born our of the earth, that we have no future except within the larger Earth community.” When we understand what Berry wrote, we will begin to understand the wound and how to heal it.

No Longer Stuck in the Muck

No Longer Stuck in the Muck

800_4930 (1)Have you ever been stuck? The kind of stuck where your axels are mired in mud and nothing will budge you. I’ve been there in a Landcruiser many years ago and let’s just say exiting a vehicle over the roll bar because your door won’t open makes you very grateful the top is off.

devon (10)
Tides are extreme in Devon, England. I am familiar with feeling stuck…unmovable.

I haven’t been four-wheeling lately but there has been a definite mired-in-the-mud situation. Seems nothing would move in my life. From designing new business cards to moving along with a project I’m doing for a sea lab…literally everything was locked down and it felt as if I was four axels deep in a pit of muck. (Remember the Pit of Despair in the Princess Bride?”)

Even though I’m not one to exhibit overly-patient behavior, I allowed myself time off from forcing a fix and simply allowed those feelings of stuck-ness to be totally experienced. This went on for weeks…months. Then little movements began and the mud began to slowly wash away.

800_2025It started with being intensely physical through Pure Barre classes. I felt emotions loosen from the physical efforts and that’s always a good sign that overall movement is eminent. Then I went on a photography retreat and that really lifted my sagging spirits and once again I had hope that forward momentum was ever-so-slowly happening.

Then, after a series of communications with a person from my past, I did some deep inner searching and clarity arrived like sunrise after a hurricane. Finally.

Photo by Sherry Sander Parks
Photo by Sherry Sander Parks

It seems so simple now but when I was in it I couldn’t understand what was keeping me stuck.

Once I knew the specific behaviors I had practiced the fix was easy: Stop giving away my power and call in all of the energy I’d wasted. It was still bouncing around the universe, trying to find a home where there was none. When I set this intention, I felt immediate inner change. I felt myself filled with my own energy that I had carelessly sent forth.

The result was the most productive afternoon I’ve had in months. It felt as if I was free and rolling again. The shift is a magnificent change in my life…an opening and a most welcome change.

I am captain of my ship...once again
I am captain of my ship…once again

Freedom has finally found me and so I’m no longer stuck in the muck. I’m very grateful to be free and moving forward once again.


Please share on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest…anywhere you would like to share. And have a wonderful day as well.



simonelipscomb (4)I watched a movie on Netflix called, The Chosen One. It was about a man who was struggling with his life….with alcoholism, a wife who left him for a yoga instructor, and his father’s suicide that happened years ago. Three shamen from a far-away, little-known tribe came to him and told him he was chosen to help save their tribe.

He thought they were crazy but he kept having strange things happen. One was a recurring hawk dream. Even through his resistance he saw changes in his life from their presence in it. Houseplants began to flourish, all alcohol evaporated from bottles and old behaviors began to be questioned and transformed as he began to open to change.

simonelipscomb (7)One of the key components of him stepping into his greatness to help this tribe was self-forgiveness. You see he was drunk when he came home and found his father hanging in his garage and for years had blamed himself for his father’s death. The shamen kept purifying him with sage and rattles and prayers. He slipped into old behaviors and fell backwards…briefly…but he finally put it all together and realized what his moment of greatness entailed and he took the risk to do it. In the process of helping a hawk in real life, his past was healed.

During his act of bravery to help the hawk, the scene flashed to him finding his father in the garage and taking him down from the rope. He was able to rewrite history, in a way. He held his father in a loving, tearful embrace and his father transformed into a hawk.

simonelipscomb (9)What a powerful moment in life when we can, with the utmost love and respect, open our arms and allow freedom to rule.We forgive our mistakes and the mistakes of others and stand with open hearts.  With no need to grasp on to the past or future, we stand in the present moment.

Self-portrait in Bonaire, N.A. "One with the Elements."
Self-portrait in Bonaire, N.A. “One with the Elements.”

Perhaps we can begin by setting ourselves free, forgiving ourselves. Then, as the shamen taught, we are free to heal the world. Healing the past can open doors of great love in the present, the future. Who knows what miracles can occur when we choose to heal our lives? It can only create more room for love. Inner change can be scary as we are moving into unchartered inner territory. The key? Simply being open to transformation.

It’s the Little Things….

It’s the Little Things….

800_1019I wasn’t really sure why the idea of a retreat to the Smoky Mountains came to me. I had been in a pretty weird place the past few months with no ability to focus on work. It felt as if I was lost in a big ocean with no rudder, wind or navigation aids. Frustration was building so I decided to take the month of August to do anything I wanted to do, even if it was doing nothing at all.

Doing is my trademark, it’s how people know me. Volunteering for one of several causes, preparing environmental education programs…always, always staying busy. But I had reached a point where I didn’t really know where to apply my energies. Nothing felt right except stillness, quiet….silence–not doing.

800_0234It was not easy untangling myself from the habit of busyness. I didn’t realize how much I used activity to distract myself. So at first…and honestly, the entire month….I really felt lost. Having removed the need to stay busy I struggled.

About the same time I took off a month from pushing myself to do something…to keep my mind busy…I began working out and putting my body into an intense series of classes, Pure Barre. The physical workouts were instrumental in shifting the stuck energy and the result was a clearer focus.

800_0019A little over a week ago I finally felt it was time to move forward and a short retreat in the Smoky Mountains was the idea that surfaced. I’m usually more of a planner but I wanted to be open to the flow. I packed my camera gear and clothes I’d need for woods and water and made reservations in a hotel in Townsend…the quiet side of the Smokies…far away from the chaos of Pigeon Forge or Gatlinburg…and very close to Cades Cove, one of a few of my most favorite places on the planet.

800_1790Somewhere in the few days of simply following my intuition and opening to the experience of not knowing or planning, some really amazing experiences occurred. And sometime Friday morning, along a narrow road while covered in dew and kissed by fog-filtered sunlight, I had a breakthrough that opened me. But it didn’t come from any prescribed path or formula…it came from simply being present with whatever presented itself and letting go of everything else. I lost myself in beauty…surrendered to it.

800_1578I was feeling glorious about the sunrise Friday morning and fog and light and flowers but it was hundreds of small spider webs that blanketed the grass and glowed with dew illuminated like diamonds that pulled me free. I stopped and gazed into endless sparkling works of spiders and started weeping. Life felt so full and so precious. Everything felt intensely sacred and holy. It seems like such a small thing to create such a huge inner shift.

The past few months have felt like my life was going through a shake-down. The real stuff was being separated  from the husks and now I have some really beautiful little seeds to nurture. And a lot of my busy work I’ll be letting go of…including some volunteer efforts and work I thought I “should” do.

800_1408I suppose anything can help us open if we are ready. For me, though, it always seems to be the little things that push me over the edge into complete surrender, complete trust and therefore utter peace and contentment. With gratitude I complete this retreat and return to my everyday life with a vision.

Make Way for the Dreamers

Make Way for the Dreamers

rowe (2)We are the dreamers.

Recognizing our connection to something greater than human-created rules and boundaries, our spirits know no limits.

We have known oppression….ridicule…segregation….aggression. Even so, we continue to dream.

The dreamers see beyond apparent realities of the physical into the Great Unknown. We tap into possibilities and create from that vast Cosmic Cauldron.

We are the dreamers.

Peace, love, light…compassion, joy, celebration. Not words, but who we are…

We see all humans as part of this celebration of the Creative Impulse and invite you all to awaken to the dance with us.

Our tool is art–our art is prayer, poetry, music, movement, writing, photography, singing and all creative expressions.

We are the dreamers.

We are here.

rowe (1)Keep a fire for the human race
Let your prayers go drifting into space
You never know what will be coming down
Perhaps a better world is drawing near
And just as easily it could all disappear
Along with whatever meaning you might have found
Don’t let the uncertainty turn you around
(The world keeps turning around and around)
Go on and make a joyful sound

Into a dancer you have grown
From a seed somebody else has thrown
Go on ahead and throw some seeds of your own
And somewhere between the time you arrive
And the time you go
May lie a reason you were alive
But you’ll never know

Lyrics from For a Dancer, Jackson Browne