Category: Love

The Face of Love

The Face of Love

SimoneLipscomb (3) The sand is cold from a night of darkness. Starlight is still embedded in the crystalline grains. It lingers as the gathering orange orb peeks from behind dark, gray clouds. Lunar fullness…madness… seeps into my bare feet as I walk along the shore, chilled from a wintery morning.

SimoneLipscomb (4)The pre-dawn excursion gave me time and space to freely open to the creative impulse working within and through me. I came away with a synthesis of revelations of late.

Recently, in my morning meditations, I have asked for one-sentence seeds of wisdom to begin the day. Yesterday it was this:

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Throughout the day I contemplated this statement and felt a deeper opening in my heart…and a Buddhist story came to mind. It goes something like this…

An abbot of a monastery sought a replacement. The test given to monks who applied for the position was to stand against hungry ghosts…legions of them. Bravery, courage and wisdom was needed. One by one, they were defeated as they wielded weapons and used defensive maneuvers. Finally, a monk calmly stood ready to face the test. Rather than hold weapons or stand in a defensive posture, the monk remained calmed and opened himself, allowing all the hungry ghosts to pass straight through. By not holding on or clinging to defensiveness, he passed the test and thus possessed the wisdom to become the new abbot.

SimoneLipscomb (13)It’s possible, while trying to maintain an open heart, to become defensive and protective of it as there will be those who are threatened by such joy, such happiness and they will make attempts to put down the light being emitted. Yet those ‘hungry ghosts’ have nothing on which to attach if we remain open, undefended, allowing pure joy and love to flow through.

SimoneLipscomb (9)As Pema Chodron wrote, “To experience something that liberates us from the narrow minded-ness of our biases and preconceptions is truly wondrous.”

“Don’t worry about results; just open your heart in an inconceivably big way, in that limitless way that benefits everyone you encounter,” wrote Chodron. Yesterday’s meditation included a vision where I climbed through a castle onto the top of it and went on the high roof. As I stood in the winds of this sacred place I saw a light approaching from the distance and heard a deep voice in my mind. Light the beacon, stay open, I am coming. So in the vision I took a torch and lit a huge light and knew that in reality I was lighting my heart’s light..and it would be my task to keep that sacred light burning brightly. There was no other task necessary.

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Doobie and Bucket understand the value of basking in the sun…it’s where most of their wisdom is gleaned.

Yesterday at The Frog Pond Sunday Social, a gathering of musicians and music-lovers who come together to create community, I basked in the winter sun as the musicians warmed up. As I faced the sun and closed my eyes I reflected back to the meditative vision and allowed the light of my heart to meet that of the sun and heard the deep voice in my mind once again….stay open.

After over half-a-century of exploring what love is and more specifically what it is not…I have come to realize that love is the only ‘thing’ that matters. It’s not romantic love or sexual love…although that can be an expression of it…it’s the stuff that comes from having an open heart that breathes-in love, exhales love and in the middle finds a way to experience sheer joy and compassion just for the experience. That’s what I’ve gotten to thus far.

SimoneLipscombThis is the face of pure joy, pure happiness….this then is the face of love.

And this is the face of love……

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 “When you begin to touch your heart or let your heart be touched, you begin to discover that it’s bottomless, that it doesn’t have any resolution, that this heart is huge, vast, and limitless. You begin to discover how much warmth and gentleness is there, as well as how much space. Your world seems less solid, more roomy and spacious. The burden lightens. In the beginning it might feel like sadness or a shaky feeling, accompanied by a lot of fear, but your willingness to feel the fear, to make fear your companion, is growing. You’re willing to get to know yourself at this deep level. After awhile this same feeling begins to turn into a longing to raze all the walls, a longing to be fully human and to live in your world without always having to shut down and close off when certain things come along. It begins to turn into a longing to be there for your friends when they’re in trouble, to be of real help to this poor, aching planet. Curiously enough, along with this longing and this sadness and this tenderness, there’s an immense sense of well-being, unconditional well-being, which doesn’t have anything to do with pleasant or unpleasant, good or bad, hope or fear, disgrace or fame. It’s something that simply comes to you when you feel that you can keep your heart open.” Pema Chodron, Start Where You Are.

May we all be the face…the embodiment…of love.


The Beginning of Love

The Beginning of Love

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I’ve kept journals for many years. At times I have a ceremonial burning as a way to release the past but some times I review entries to gain insight. Such was the case after a week-long house organizing and cleaning expedition that ended with reading of an entry from April 23, 2013.

In that entry, from over a year ago, I recorded insight gained at a perceived ‘problem.’ I was having difficulty moving forward after a long-term relationship and had a bodywork session with a gifted practitioner. In the session I had a clear vision that incorporated symbols to which I am strongly connected.

This is what I experienced: I was in the Ocean and a huge whale swam up to me and echo-located me, totally scanning me. He was in danger from harpoons and huge nets from a processing ship. He was willing to be caught and used and allowed people to take bits and pieces of him. I jumped between him and tried to save him–so magnificent and beautiful was he. But in my diligence, I didn’t see the huge ship that struck my massive whale body. It broke me. And my body sank.

photo 6I realized in that moment of death that the essence of who I am lived on. I also knew that it was love that drew me to him and love that kept me there…and love that blocked the ship and kept it from breaking him. And in that moment, when my spirit was free from my body, I knew that love was the only force on this planet…and that only when we block love does evil arise.

Whale song filled my mind as I ‘saw’ these images and gained understanding. I felt total peace and as I opened myself to love, all fear disappeared.

After that experience I had several realizations–Love is everything…in everything and always available. We live in an Ocean of Love. An abundant world. Ego tries to box it all in and hold it and keep safe. Love is flow. Love is movement. Love simply…IS.

photo 5Feeling the immensity of the Ocean of Love and my big, gigantic ‘whale’ heart, I can channel huge amounts of love. The only thing that separates us from Love is our mind, our thoughts.

As I breathe in, love fills me. When I feel alone it is because I forget that love is abundant and available.

How Do I Love?

How Do I Love?

photo 4The Sunday morning sea turtle patrol began so soft, so beautiful. Arriving at the east end of the wildlife refuge, I paused to give thanks for wild places and lands that are set aside for wildlife. So calm and still was the air, so peaceful that soft, white sand…I felt immediate inner calm.

photoWithin moments of reaching the edge of saltwater, where land and sea meet, an immediate diffuse glow of rose illuminated the clouds and swept over water. I paused to take a few photographs with my phone and record a short video to share. And then suddenly the sky turned gray. Not long afterwards, so did my mood.

My phone buzzed with a text from my friend and team leader Sherry. She needed help in another section. A nest had hatched several days early and very unexpectedly and tiny tracks led everywhere except the water, where they needed to go. Being only a third of the way through my mile and a half patrol, I texted a friend who lives in the same section who would be helping track the turtles and asked her to pick me up at my exit point. Then I kicked into high gear.

The sand was super-soft this morning so walking was difficult but I had to get finished quickly so I started running while looking for nesting tracks. It felt like quicksand even in my 5-Finger running shoes but I managed to do what felt like a bull-doze run to finish.

photo 4When Cathy and I arrived at the house, the weekly renters saw us and started directing us to hatchlings that had come under the house in which they were staying. There were tiny sea turtle tracks everywhere…everywhere except where they were supposed to be. I followed the inch-and-a-half wide tracks to find babies dead and covered with fire ants. They had crawled under the house, into the driveway, into the roadway, near ghost crab holes, over dunes and dunes and dunes but mostly the largest group went due east toward the bright condo lights of Gulf Shores. And so….with foxes and ghost crabs and other predators…well, you know.

Fire ants covering one of the many hatchlings who became disoriented due to lights on homes after the nest hatched.
Fire ants covering one of the many hatchlings who became disoriented due to lights on homes after the nest hatched.

With a heavy heart I helped in the recovery efforts of those precious ones that died due to fire ants. I, along with four other teammates, followed tracks as they zig-zagged…obviously trying desperately to find their way to the sea. Intermixed with baby turtle tracks were fox tracks and ghost crabs. As I gently picked up the still-soft bodies, my salt-water tears splashed, reminding me of the tears their mother shed as she laid her nest of hope.

Eleven babies were found...all dead due to disorientation in the dunes and fire ants.
Eleven babies were found…all dead due to disorientation in the dunes and fire ants.

Hope? Every nest is one of hope. Sea turtles are protected by the Endangered Species Act due to their threatened status. Our volunteer group originally began due to instances just like this where babies were crawling toward porch lights, street lights and condo lights rather than to the water. And sadly, most tourists have no idea that their lights cause such damage, even today when green shirts walk the Alabama shore every morning from May to September patrolling our shores for sea turtle tracks.

This nest hatched early without any of the usual signs of hatching so we weren’t there to act as midwives to the babies to guide them to water. In the dark of the night, they erupted in a frenzy with one intention: crawl home. Unfortunately I found only four tracks that led into the water but hopefully there were more. Out of probably 120 eggs, this was indeed a great loss.

simonelipscomb (6)As I was driving to have breakfast with two of my turtle friends, I listened to my heart as it tapped a steady rhythm of love for the turtles and yet I heard myself saying how much I disliked humanity for its careless destruction of all things innocent. I felt love for wildlife and wild things. And then…then I heard a question: How do I love? Is it possible to love sea turtle hatchlings passionately, deeply and yet close my heart to humanity?

simonelipscomb (4)The duality of the work I do haunts me. I love nature so deeply, so profoundly yet there’s the human element that always trips me up and causes frustration and anger to arise. Yet if I’m in a state of anger and frustration can I also–at the same time–love sea turtles, dolphins, whales…the Ocean? Oh…. I got it: it’s not possible to compartmentalize love.

simonelipscombIt felt like a wise part of me awakened and said clearly: Love has no boundaries. You either love or you don’t.  The lyrics from Will Kimbrough‘s song Love is  the Solution started playing in my mind: “Love the sinner, love the sin.” For the first time, in a long time, I understood. I got it. Thank you sea turtles who continually take me to the depths of who I am and meet me there in the shadows, in the light. And Will…thanks for a song that sums it up perfectly.

If we truly open our hearts in love, we don’t have the option of choosing who or what receives our love. Love is the answer. It is the solution. It is everything.

Lyrics to Love is the Solution by Will Kimbrough:

Love is the solution
Love your neighbors; love your friends
Love yourself if you can bear it
Love and laugh and heal and mend

Love is all that matters
Love the rainy days
Love will set your soul afire
Love will take your pain away

Love the rich and powerful 
Love the poor and meek
Love the jerk who honks in traffic
Love the carnival geek

Love is all there really is 
Love unlocks your mind
Love will make a fool of you
So love the fool in kind

Love is all your really need 
Love is all you’ll find
Love is the solution
Love the traffic lights and signs

Love the lovers loving
Love the park bench where they kiss
Love everything you fear the most 
And love the fear you miss

Love the warrior and the preacher
Love the grumpy old men
Love the sun and moon and stars
Love the sinner; love the sin

Love the garbage in the gutter
Love the gutter; love the drunks
Love your father; love your mother
Love your babies; love the punks


I Stopped Trying to Save the World Today

I Stopped Trying to Save the World Today (10)Solstice. Sunrise. Sunset. Moon. Stars. Inky blackness in a space vacuum pierced by pinpoints of light. (2)Cosmic glue. Love. Source. Spirit. Animation of matter through particles of light. (14)Heart and mind open, light sparkles through eyes and aura. (7)Light, mist of Love manifested in physical. Light and love, same expression of the Mystery, the Unnamable. (4)Defining It lessens It and contorts It into our image. (11)Light came from Dreamland with me this day–a flower opening, a single ray of light from the sun…smile of a friend after a belly laugh slurped from the same straw. (15)Today I stopped trying to save the world. Now there is only laughter and beauty. Outrageous laughter. Delicious beauty.

simonelipscomb.comStopped pushing, began allowing. Profound peace is at home within me. And now….everything is possible.

We Are Instruments

We Are Instruments

Will Kimbrough
Will Kimbrough

The guitar and musician were within a few feet of me. His hands gently and purposefully changing frets and playing notes captured my attention. I found myself in a kind of trance watching and listening. Hearing not only the music, I heard my inner voice clearly say: We are instruments. Just like the guitar can sit and be silent or allow the touch of Spirit to move through and create beautiful gifts for the world.

Will Kimbrough
Will Kimbrough

I allowed this mantra to flow throughout my being like a trickle of water from head to toe. I felt my body become hollow and filled with the essence of Spirit. It didn’t last that long because Will began singing lyrics again and so my attention was drawn back to his voice. And yet the idea expanded as I saw his hands as instruments, his voice and realized that each of us have the capacity to be instruments of Love…Life…the Creative Force.

Kerry Parks, glass artist creating one of her beautiful pieces of art
Kerry Parks, glass artist creating one of her beautiful pieces of art

We have freedom of choice. We can resist the Creative Impulsive that desires to fill us and flow through us or we can be open and receptive instruments.

Armondo owns a cave diving site in Akumal, Mexico and carves beautiful statues to honor the Earth. His energy is spent in this endeavor.
Armondo owns a cave diving site in Akumal, Mexico and carves beautiful statues to honor the Earth.

So what’s the secret to doing this? Perhaps its different for everyone but there are common threads of courage, determination, surrender, a playful spirit.

Anthony Crawford of Sugarcane Jane and Willie Sugarcapps
Anthony Crawford of Sugarcane Jane and Willie Sugarcapps

Have you ever watched someone in the process of creating? What do you notice? In others I am aware of them going into a sort of meditative state or zone where they allow their gifts to express freely without filtering or resisting. For my own creative endeavors its a complete surrender to being present in the moment and allowing inspiration to move me without judging or criticizing. The key is being in the flow.

simonelipscomb (23)There are endless ways we can be instruments of the Creative Flow (or whatever label you wish to call it). It can be as simple as interacting with others every day with an open heart. Or allowing Love to love through us to animals, friends, the Earth. There are no bounds or limits to Love flowing through us except those we impose.

Savana Lee Crawford of Sugarcane Jane and Willie Sugarcapps
Savana Lee Crawford of Sugarcane Jane and Willie Sugarcapps

Let it come through your voice….

Will and his mom at The Frog Pond
Will and his mom at The Frog Pond

Your hands…..

Your words….


Excerpt about a dive from, Sharks On My Fin Tips: “Everywhere I looked life was evident… As I moved, I absentmindedly started to hum a tune. From what depths did the song come? It seemed to come from my heart and was quite pleasant so I allowed it to find expression by humming through my scuba regulator. It was not easy to emit any sound because the mouthpiece occupied the majority of space in my mouth, but I made the effort to let the music come forth.

The more I droned, the stronger the emotion became until I felt a constriction in my throat. The sensation was so strong I had to stop humming and take a deep breath. When I halted I heard an answering refrain from somewhere outside myself. Without hesitation I knew it to be the song of the Ocean.

With the realization came a wave of joy so powerful that I sobbed into my regulator and tears flooded my mask. The presence I felt earlier in the dive grew larger in my awareness. It became tangible and very real to me. I felt it surround me like a warm blanket.

The consciousness of the Mother Ocean was reaching out to me, tapping my heart with Her liquid fingers. It was Her song I had been singing…I hung motionless in the water column, overcome with the sweetest love I had ever felt.”

Kit & Steve Schmeiser hosting a Mountain Wild gathering in Asheville, NC
Kit & Steve Schmeiser hosting a Mountain Wild gathering in Asheville, NC

Allow yourself to be open….a channel…an instrument for Love and see what magnificent wonders are born within you to gift to the world.

Virgin grove of trees in Tennessee...allow your hands to be instruments of Love...
Virgin grove of trees in Tennessee…allow your hands to be instruments of Love…