Category: Higher Self

Heal the Planet, Heal Ourselves?

Heal the Planet, Heal Ourselves?

A beautiful documentary film, With One Voice, created a flurry of excitement as I grabbed paper and pen to take notes. It had some powerful reminders for us: 1) The condition of the world mirrors human consciousness; 2) Peace in the world will occur when we realize we all belong to each other; 3) Hate destroys.

The overwhelming thought I had after watching twice is this: Our destruction of nature is a direct result of our disconnect from our hearts–the spiritual nature of life– and the Earth–that from which our bodies are formed. To heal the planet we must heal ourselves…or is it to heal ourselves we must heal the planet? Or perhaps they are one and the same.

Below are some quotes presented by various persons interviewed in the film and photographs that hopefully illustrate their ideas.

You can tell someone about a rose but they won't really 'get it.' Give them a rose and they can smell it, feel the soft petals...and connect with it fully.
You can tell someone about a rose but they won’t really ‘get it.’ Give them a rose and they can smell it, feel the soft petals…and connect with it fully.
Stand in front of a very tall tree. Listen to the deep, deafening silence held within the tree. Wonder: why can't I be like that? Stand still and listen. Grow upward and downward. (Malidoma Patrice Some)
Stand in front of a very tall tree. Listen to the deep, deafening silence held within the tree. Wonder: why can’t I be like that? Stand still and listen. Grow upward and downward. (Malidoma Patrice Some)
Love only works by giving. It cannot be stored or banked. Love is an infinite ocean.
Love only works by giving. It cannot be stored or banked. Love is an infinite ocean.
See the gift of love everywhere. Convert frustration into compassion. Convert hatred into love. Turn all discourse to love. When you hate someone, send them a love poem. Transform hate into love. (Malidoma Patrice Some)
See the gift of love everywhere. Convert frustration into compassion. Convert hatred into love. Turn all discourse to love. When you hate someone, send them a love poem. Transform hate into love. (Malidoma Patrice Some)
When we realize the innerconnectedness of all life, hatred and all forms of aggression with cease. Peace in the world will occur when we realize we belong to each other.
When we realize the innerconnectedness of all life, hatred and all forms of aggression with cease. Peace in the world will occur when we realize we belong to each other.
Compassion is love made visible.
Compassion is love made visible.
We are coming home to a place we have never left. Our own inner peace brings peace to the world.
We are coming home to a place we have never left.
simonelipscomb (9)
Again…Compassion is love made visible.
simonelipscomb (11)
Wisdom says I am nothing. Love says I am everything. Between the two my life moves.
And just once more....Compassion is love made visible.
And just once more….Compassion is love made visible.
Beauty is My Passion

Beauty is My Passion

Ft Morgan 122912 (19)
Over the years there has been a narrowing of focus. I steadfastly have endeavored to serve and help humanity evolve, with the end goal of promoting planetary stewardship. Sound idealistic? Unrealistic? Did I drink hemlock-spiked egg nog?

Paying attention, listening, being still with a calm mind….little tools we can use to help us find our way. And as we progress through our trials, dead-ends, and times lacking in joy, and surrender to our life’s calling, we become more content.

Gulf Islands National Seashore (22)
My personal journey has led me deeper into beauty, most significantly the beauty found in nature. The glance of a pelican as it soars past, the gaze from a shark as it swims alongside, a sea turtle hatchling gazing up at me as she scoots past….the whisper of trees as they sway in the wind and countless moments spent outdoors call me to recognize beauty, to champion it and to celebrate it.

Over the years I’ve struggled with direction and purpose and wandering…and wondering. It comes down to this simple truth for me: Beauty is my passion. It is my sincerest desire to translate it to others through photography and writing. With no agenda, no push to make others see….because without this expression my life dries up and I feel off course.

Gulf Islands National Seashore (5)What is your passion? How does it influence your life?

Mother of the Bride….

Mother of the Bride….

Since returning from my dive trip there has been a constant hum of activity that led to the arrival of my daughter and her fiancé and a week of celebrating Thanksgiving, shopping for a bridal gown, an Iron Bowl gathering, and their engagement party held at the river pavilion in my home community along the Magnolia River. With all the busy-ness I have had little time to write–that beloved exercise that keeps me happy and fit as much as paddling my SUP board, cycling or walking through live oaks and cypress trees.

While much of our time together was noteworthy, there was one day that stands out…profoundly. I was completely surprised at the emotions and tenderness that surfaced from within as we walked into Bliss Bridal store in Fairhope, Alabama. It was as if a curtain was opened and I glimpsed not only my daughter’s beauty but the beauty of every woman preparing herself for marriage.

And while she’d probably roll her eyes at my Jungian meanderings, the experience also reminded me of the marriage of the Higher Self to the lower or human self–the conscious joining of spiritual self to earthly self.

Standing in that wonderful store, it was as if a gateway opened and I saw my daughter’s spiritual self surrounded by white gowns symbolizing the purity of soul that each of us has. I understood on a deeper level the importance of acknowledging, through ceremony and celebration, the wedding of partners, of lovers. And the acknowledgement and celebration of the path that leads to higher spiritual awareness.

I took a photograph of Emily surrounded by gowns, as if gazing past their form into the depths of the Universe. I saw and understood, like never before, the inner marriage each of us can choose to make by committing to the spiritual self and reaching for a higher expression of humanness. She will argue she was just looking at wedding dresses. But I saw more.

I may be mother of the bride, but mostly I’m still learning from my daughter.