Category: Heart and Healing

The Flowering of Love

The Flowering of Love

DSC_1223“When a woman awakens to the beauty/power within her she will bloom as a flower she has always been and always will be.” Sharon McErlane wrote this quote as a message to women across our planet. Her words touch my heart and resonate with intuitive nudges I’ve been receiving.

We currently see discourses that are gridlocked. The US Congress shows us what no longer works. Trying to push and shove our way, shout our way or use anger to influence decisions is an outdated way to interact. We absolutely must find a new way–not just in our government but worldwide…beginning with ourselves.

hibiscus2During the past several months my journey has made me see my use of angry, aggressive out-of-balance masculine or yang energy. Wanting to heal and move forward in my life’s work, I found myself acting aggressively in my healing process. In anger I attempted to close my heart and mind with ‘pull and jerk’ moves. I actually thought I could force myself to heal by ignoring my heart, ignoring unconditional love patting me on my granite head…tapping at my heart.

A strange series of events knocked me out of my usual mode of operation and I tired of ricocheting against my self-imposed walls. I finally became conscious and saw how totally ineffective the old way was. It was the exact opposite of how I want to live.

DSC_3894Attempting to heal in an aggressive manner goes against the very idea of healing (shaking head, rolling eyes, laughing).

When my heart was given the space to open, I recognized the gentle yet consistent pushes I’ve been getting–focus on beauty; allow my heart to open, to flower; cultivate compassion, gentleness and softness. I couldn’t move forward with my work in the world until my inflexible, ineffective patterns were broken and released…then healed.

I believe people across our planet are awakening to yin energy. We are in dire need of it. Yin energy is receptive, strong, balanced, compassionate and is a container for love, a holding vessel.

Using balanced feminine energy doesn’t make a person weak and it isn’t manipulative like unbalanced feminine energy can be. And it’s not only about women. We all contain both masculine and feminine energy within us. We simply need to balance our fast-paced, active, aggressive lives with this softer energy. We need time to reflect and enter into a friendlier relationship with ourselves and others.

DSCN1424Flowers reflect the essence of feminine or yin energy in their blooming and unfolding. They are strong and have an amazing capacity to bring healing energy to any situation. Flowers make us feel better. So I’m focusing on one of  nature’s expressions of the feminine to remind me to stay open, stay soft yet strong.

DSC_0229Balanced feminine energy holds the earth and cradles all life. This is what I wish to strengthen on the planet and within my own life.

Show the Way

Show the Way

I sat with tears rolling down my face as the words and music wound through the atmosphere of the open air pavilion. I arrived early to secure a good seat was was rewarded with a front-row seat less than ten feet from David and his magical guitar….and voice.

Having followed his music for years I was surprised I had missed this song and yet I fully believe that music and other tools of healing come to us when we are ready.

Auburn University Oak Tree Poisoned by a Deranged Man
Auburn University Oak Tree poisoned by a very sick man

Lyrics from Show the Way: “You say you see no hope, you say you see no reason we should dream that the world would ever change. You’re saying love is foolish to believe. ‘Cause there’ll always be some crazy with an army or a knife, To wake you from your day dream, put the fear back in your life.”

Gulf State Park during 2013 BP Deepwater Horizon Oilspill
Gulf State Park during 2010 BP Deepwater Horizon Oilspill

“Look, if someone wrote a play just to glorify what’s stronger than hate, would they not arrange the stage to look as if the hero came too late, he’s almost in defeat. It’s looking like the evil side will win, so on the edge of every seat, from the moment that the whole thing begins….”

Children at Akumal, Mexico
Children at Akumal, Mexico

“It is Love who makes the mortar and it’s love who stacked these stones. And it’s love who made the stage here, although it looks like we’re alone. In this scene set in shadow like the night is here to stay, There is evil cast around us, but it’s love that wrote the play. For in this darkness love can show the way.”

Sometimes I feel such grief about the state of humanity–the polarization of friends and families, of communities. The taking of sides against what we perceive is ‘the bad people’ but in reality we are fighting among ourselves when the evil goes unchecked….or so it seems.

Joanna Macy and Work That Reconnects group, Rowe, MA
Joanna Macy and Work That Reconnects group, Rowe, MA

I have come to believe that Love is the cosmic glue that holds us all together. Not romantic love or possessive love but the love that passes all understanding. We try to name it and it illudes us so I’ll simply say as I open my heart I find more love around me and within me. If I focus on being a channel for this love and constantly let it flow through me to others, the supply is endless and I always stay filled with it. The moment I try to stop it or hold on to it, I feel empty.

Our hearts are like blossoms, waiting to bloom
Our hearts are like blossoms, waiting to bloom

What a Great Mystery this Love is and yet I truly believe the key to our own and the planet’s healing is simply to open our hearts to love without judgment. Clearing away anger, judgment, opinions–even if for 15 minutes a day–can create vast change within our own lives. Once we see how good those 15 minutes felt, we will want to live in that space of open heartedness as much as possible. For that is our natural state of being.

To watch the video and listen to David Wilcox’s song please click on this sentence…. and enJOY!

Anhinga and Mullet–Unlikely Partners

Anhinga and Mullet–Unlikely Partners

Beautiful Three Sister's Springs
Beautiful Three Sister’s Springs

After traveling to Crystal River, Florida today my friend Sherry and I SUP boarded to Three Sisters Springs in search of our manatee friends. The warm weather had enticed them out to feed so the springs were just bubbling away with a quiet serenity that was appealing given the usual crowd of people floating, splashing and screeching.

We paddled around for a while and I played with my underwater camera and video from atop the board. It was nice to be outside on water connecting with the palm trees, cypress trees, clear water, and wildlife.

The anhinga's perch
The anhinga’s perch

An anhinga was perched in a wildly arching palm tree for a bit then decided to go on a hunt. I paddled around the edge of the spring watching it weave in and out of tree roots and rocks searching for dinner. A large mullet was shadowing the bird probably waiting for it to stir up some plant litter for its dinner or a bug or something else it might eat. It was weird though as anhinga’s eat fish.

Of course, it was a large mullet…but still. Aren’t they suppose to be ‘enemies?’ Are we really supposed to hang out with those who might destroy us? Haven’t they been taught that they are NOT supposed to be friends? Or even help each other? (smile)

CopyrightSimoneLipscomb (2)They seemed very comfortable with each other so I’m guessing they had their negotiations and settled on a way to be together peacefully. It appeared that they were utterly comfortable with each other and were even friends. It was quite awesome to observe.

Perhaps we humans could learn from their behavior.

Heal the Planet, Heal Ourselves?

Heal the Planet, Heal Ourselves?

A beautiful documentary film, With One Voice, created a flurry of excitement as I grabbed paper and pen to take notes. It had some powerful reminders for us: 1) The condition of the world mirrors human consciousness; 2) Peace in the world will occur when we realize we all belong to each other; 3) Hate destroys.

The overwhelming thought I had after watching twice is this: Our destruction of nature is a direct result of our disconnect from our hearts–the spiritual nature of life– and the Earth–that from which our bodies are formed. To heal the planet we must heal ourselves…or is it to heal ourselves we must heal the planet? Or perhaps they are one and the same.

Below are some quotes presented by various persons interviewed in the film and photographs that hopefully illustrate their ideas.

You can tell someone about a rose but they won't really 'get it.' Give them a rose and they can smell it, feel the soft petals...and connect with it fully.
You can tell someone about a rose but they won’t really ‘get it.’ Give them a rose and they can smell it, feel the soft petals…and connect with it fully.
Stand in front of a very tall tree. Listen to the deep, deafening silence held within the tree. Wonder: why can't I be like that? Stand still and listen. Grow upward and downward. (Malidoma Patrice Some)
Stand in front of a very tall tree. Listen to the deep, deafening silence held within the tree. Wonder: why can’t I be like that? Stand still and listen. Grow upward and downward. (Malidoma Patrice Some)
Love only works by giving. It cannot be stored or banked. Love is an infinite ocean.
Love only works by giving. It cannot be stored or banked. Love is an infinite ocean.
See the gift of love everywhere. Convert frustration into compassion. Convert hatred into love. Turn all discourse to love. When you hate someone, send them a love poem. Transform hate into love. (Malidoma Patrice Some)
See the gift of love everywhere. Convert frustration into compassion. Convert hatred into love. Turn all discourse to love. When you hate someone, send them a love poem. Transform hate into love. (Malidoma Patrice Some)
When we realize the innerconnectedness of all life, hatred and all forms of aggression with cease. Peace in the world will occur when we realize we belong to each other.
When we realize the innerconnectedness of all life, hatred and all forms of aggression with cease. Peace in the world will occur when we realize we belong to each other.
Compassion is love made visible.
Compassion is love made visible.
We are coming home to a place we have never left. Our own inner peace brings peace to the world.
We are coming home to a place we have never left.
simonelipscomb (9)
Again…Compassion is love made visible.
simonelipscomb (11)
Wisdom says I am nothing. Love says I am everything. Between the two my life moves.
And just once more....Compassion is love made visible.
And just once more….Compassion is love made visible.
The Seeds We Plant

The Seeds We Plant

Glastonbury Tor
Glastonbury Tor

As the elliptical trainer whirled and my heart rate increased, my mind calmed. This rainy morning forced an indoor workout so to pass the time, I turned on an audio of a favorite speaker, John O’Donohue, and listened to his address called, Love Antidote. Even though it has been heard many times, more good stuff was gathered from his wisdom.

When he told a story or introduced an idea, my mind would take it and turn it over like a stone, wet from its life in a clear river. Textures, layers, colors spoke to me and offered insight into the human condition.

Rock stack in North Carolina river
Rock stack in North Carolina river

Have you ever had someone plant an idea in your mind that was based in fear? I have seen how much deep damage can occur when others sow seeds of fear and doubt in the minds of those we love, creating fertile ground for distrust to occur. The destruction of trust, joy and happiness that occurs when seeds such as this are scattered can be devastating.

I once had the privilege of helping teach a woman consumed with fear how to dive. She stood on the pool deck, that first night of class, and was shaking uncontrollably. Not even wet or in gear, she was terribly afraid. While my partner/instructor began the class, I began to work with her. What was uncovered were deep-seated fears about trusting herself. As a child she was taught to fear, to not trust herself to make good decisions. She experienced much growth from facing her fears and with a lot of one-on-one instruction from my partner, went on to become a good diver.

A friend of mine diving in Bonaire (not my student)
A friend of mine diving in Bonaire (not the student I referenced in writing) showing the joy that can occur from                                        doing something that pushes us through our fears

“Occasions of fear are invitations for freedom and courage.” (John O’Donohue)

How many times do we allow seeds, that other people plant within our minds, destroy our peace of mind or even relationships with those we love? How often do those seeds of fear grow into mind-beasts that control us and ruin our happiness or our potential for happiness?

John said that fear blinds us and we see only one door, one possibility, when there might be seven or eight doors. Every person is the holder of incredible possibilities. Deep down, he said, we know exactly what is going on and we have to give that truth a chance. If we can drop into stillness, silence and solitude everything that needs to happen will happen. The key is recognizing the seeds planted by others, that we have watered and tended with attention, that overshadow the truth.

Injured diver from Great Britain doing a dolphin therapy session
Injured diver from Great Britain doing a dolphin therapy session

He tells of sitting at people’s bedsides while they are dying and finding that regret is one of the loneliest places humans can ever find themselves.What is it that your heart truly wants to do but you are too afraid to do, he asks? What seeds have others planted that have made you doubt your own heart’s voice? How does fear keep you from living your life the way you want to?


So many need help…..children, animals, rivers, oceans, elders, trees, veterans. What holds us back? What seeds of fear have we allowed to take root so deeply that we choose no action rather than risk an imagined or perceived outcome based in fear, not in truth?

Child fishing near Coden, Alabama
Child fishing near Coden, Alabama

What if we choose to sow seeds of love and compassion? If we align our passion with that group or situation we feel most drawn to, only good can come from our step toward that which calls us. What is your passion? What opens your heart? My wish is that we all have the courage to step out of fear and follow our heart’s path. Imagine the results!

Girl Scouts welcoming wounded veterans to Key Largo, FL
Girl Scouts welcoming wounded veterans to Key Largo, FL