Category: Earth Healing

Make Way for the Dreamers

Make Way for the Dreamers

rowe (2)We are the dreamers.

Recognizing our connection to something greater than human-created rules and boundaries, our spirits know no limits.

We have known oppression….ridicule…segregation….aggression. Even so, we continue to dream.

The dreamers see beyond apparent realities of the physical into the Great Unknown. We tap into possibilities and create from that vast Cosmic Cauldron.

We are the dreamers.

Peace, love, light…compassion, joy, celebration. Not words, but who we are…

We see all humans as part of this celebration of the Creative Impulse and invite you all to awaken to the dance with us.

Our tool is art–our art is prayer, poetry, music, movement, writing, photography, singing and all creative expressions.

We are the dreamers.

We are here.

rowe (1)Keep a fire for the human race
Let your prayers go drifting into space
You never know what will be coming down
Perhaps a better world is drawing near
And just as easily it could all disappear
Along with whatever meaning you might have found
Don’t let the uncertainty turn you around
(The world keeps turning around and around)
Go on and make a joyful sound

Into a dancer you have grown
From a seed somebody else has thrown
Go on ahead and throw some seeds of your own
And somewhere between the time you arrive
And the time you go
May lie a reason you were alive
But you’ll never know

Lyrics from For a Dancer, Jackson Browne


Time and Purpose

Time and Purpose

water (2) The concept of time has been on my mind a lot lately. For many years people across the planet have had various ideas about what the end of the Mayan calendar might bring. There are all sorts of scenarios.  The one I have held is that it is simply a time of change from one era to the next–and in my mind it includes a collective leap of consciousness. Regardless of whether they just ran out of room on their stone tablets or if their wisdom-keepers truly saw a time of global awakening, because so many people on our planet have held a belief that something is going to happen, it will indeed happen…even if it is simply the equivalent of turning the page to a new year.

Personally the idea of time has taken me on a deep inner journey of late. Several articles, books and videos have crossed my desk and have created fertile ground for this adventure. Some questions have emerged:

What if I could stop the inner dialogue that constantly keeps me second-guessing myself…that keeps me in constant motion of striving to make effective use of time?

What if I could end the inner voice that berates me if I am not constantly doing what I think is expected of me?

What if I could be still and silent and allow my natural gifts and talents the space to be…with no thought to production, saving the planet, and other ideals?

water (1)What if I simply stopped doing what I thought I should do and allow myself…my Self…to live organically doing whatever it is that comes natural to me?

I have come to believe, to know even, that this is when the real magic of life will occur. If I can do that, if you can do that, will the ‘time’ change?

What would your life look like if you allowed a natural expression of your strengths, gifts, talents?

I believe the possibility of healing our planet lies in one, simple step: Individual healing…allowing our true selves to shine and reconnect with our Earth Mother, live with Her, not on Her. It’s time we remembered who we are and let go of who we are not.

Now is the time.

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