The Age of Restoration

The Age of Restoration

Claire Dubois speaks of the Age of Restoration beginning now. As we turn our creative envisioning from focusing on everything that is falling apart to how we wish to see the world, we began to create the world we want.

A few days ago I wrote that we are literally building a new world as the old paradigm is falling apart around us. Claire says we do this by accessing our feelings– by deconstructing the dams we’ve built around painful emotions and then acting from a clearer inner place.

Last night a friend came over for a time of drumming. We spoke about issues that we wished to send healing energy to, called in angels, ancestors and other helping spirits and acknowledged the gateways of the six directions. Spontaneously, the issue that seemed to call us both was the children and families held in detention centers.

Usually the room fills with ancestors, animal spirits and angels and it was the same with one exception. The room filled with children last night. As we prayed with our drums and open hearts a dam broke within both of us as we wept for children and families held in for-profit detention centers. Then we shared visions of children being loved and held by grandmother and grandfather spirits, loved by gentle animals.

As we continued to drum we sang, “Jesus loves the little children….all the children of the world…red and yellow, black and white, they are precious in his sight….Jesus loves the little children of the world.” Tears continued to flow and we continued to build a vision of love and compassion for all those suffering in separation from loved ones and risking everything to escape war, famine, violence, persecution.

The energy of love and compassion filled the room as we envisioned children being cared for, reunited with families….on and on we build a vision of restoring families, of politicians stepping up to take right action, of light illuminating the for-profit detention center goals….light, light, light, light, light.

Generally when we close a drum circle there is a feeling of completion, of bringing it to a close. Last night, the spirits of children wanted to stay in that space of healing so we left it open for their spirits to be nourished. And this morning I still feel my heart open to them and their families. This then is acting as a restorer and it feels quite amazing to allow myself to feel past the grief and sadness to a depth of love and compassion that changes everything.
Where two or more are gathered…..we opened a gateway to healing that started with our willingness to feel the intense grief and sadness. Once we had the courage to do that, we became channels for love and light. Then we were able to act as restorers.

What if each of us longing for a better world took the time to actually envision it rather than keep envisioning a world that is falling apart. We know the old paradigm is falling apart. Now let us plant the seeds of the world we wish to create.

There is an incredible amount of light flooding the planet these days. That’s why the old paradigm is crumbling—the old ways are falling. Let us remember that the light is here for us to heal as well…and to open and to grow beyond our wildest dreams. It is a catalyst not only for the breaking down but for the re-building. What is it you wish to create, to become? What kind of world do you want?

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