The Abundant Universe

The Abundant Universe

When I stop and look around me I see outrageous evidence of abundance. Sunsets, sunrises, rolling waves, white sandy beaches, tree-covered mountains all point to unlimited, unbounded, endless good stuff happening all the time.

No matter what issues circulate in the sphere of my life, the lives of friends, communities, ecosystems….balanced with those challenges, as bad as they may be, is amazing beauty and blessings. If we miss these places and events of sheer wonder, we miss the very things that make living so awesome.

If I look with the eyes of eagle, with higher vision, I see that everything works in some wild harmony and the story goes beyond the hardships, no matter how difficult they are. When the details get too intense it is time to step back and look at the big picture. A new perspective can shift me from the ‘poor me’ or ‘oh, snap!’ place to the ‘oh, WOW!’ place of expansion and wonder.

Currently my challenge is finding myself in limbo, awaiting the chain of events that will start my move back to coastal Alabama. I’m calling in higher vision and backing away from the details for a while. I want to be present with the abundant beauty filling my life NOW!

When do you find respite by stepping back and viewing the big picture? When do the eyes of Eagle help you in envisioning your life?

2 Replies to “The Abundant Universe”

  1. This is a beautiful post, Simone. Thank you so much for sharing it.

    I find respite when I slow down long enough to look around at the amazing work that others are doing in the world. I try to take in as much of this as possible and filter out all the negative happenings that are reported through mainstream media. It helps to remind me that there is a massive groundswell all around the world toward a more mindful way of living. It’s happening IF we choose to see it.

    Thanks again!

  2. I agree Brandon. All of us, who are working to help the Earth, need to stop and look around when we get discouraged. One of the biggest obstacles to our work moving forward is believing we are alone.

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