Tag: Yin and Yang

The Yin and Yang of Energy Production

The Yin and Yang of Energy Production

simonelipscomb (8)The general tendency for humans is to not change until we are forced to…mainly because we don’t want to deal with the discomfort. Whether its emotional discomfort from facing our dysfunctional behaviors that negatively impact relationships with lovers, coworkers, and family or the physical, economical discomfort that comes from having to change the way we live on the planet….we don’t like to change.

It’s easier to continue in status quo rather than make changes necessary to become consumers of clean, renewable energy.

simonelipscomb (1)Our country as a whole is an example of this mentality. There has been definite progress toward positive change….recycling, re-using shopping bags, banning plastic bags, using less packaging, increased organic farming, vehicles that get better mileage…but politically and economically it is still big business to drill for oil offshore, frack for fossil fuels and use potentially deadly nuclear power. Very few in leadership positions will take the political risk to piss off the Big Oil Companies. It’s so much easier to be quiet, fill up offshore bank accounts and relax into a lifestyle that does nothing to help solve the problems our planet–and all people who reside here–are facing.

simonelipscomb (7)“There comes a moment in history when ignorance is no longer a forgivable offense….a moment when only wisdom has the power to absolve.” This quote from Dan Brown’s latest book summarizes my thoughts perfectly.

Ignoring a problem is NOT dealing with it.

simonelipscomb (4)There are two energy extremes that we know as Yin and Yang. The polarity of these different energies make up a whole, a balanced perspective. Yin energy is passive, receptive, deep, still, slow, quiet, feminine while Yang energy is active, expressive, aggressive, fiery, dominant, restless, producing, masculine. (Not to be confused with women and men or male and female).  An example however can be given using women and men and the expression of these energies.

A woman might have a vague idea about a problem she wants to solve so she might ponder ideas, kick around scenarios, write about it, compose poetry about it and mull over where a man might immediately take action to fix it…and fix it now! Both are ways to deal with issues and both can be valid….no doubt. So take the example a step further and take gender out of the equation…person A likes to mull it over, think about it, write about it and person B wants immediate fix-it action!

solar_cells_panels_array_monocrystalineWhen a country…or world leadership…tends to lean to one extreme or the other imbalance is experienced. Our need for immediate energy cannot be solved by shutting down all fossil fuel production today; however, we do need to implement renewable energy production NOW to help meet our needs in the near future. And as renewable energy production increases–wind, solar, wave–we need less fossil fuels….which makes our planet cleaner, greener and healthier. Balance.

  simonelipscomb (2)What if, in the 1970’s when the first buzz about fossil fuel issues began, we had fully implemented wind and solar energy production? How would our lives be different now….40 years later? How would our children’s lives be different? Our grandchildren’s lives? When is the right time to bring more Yin energy to our problems and ease up on the Yang way of dealing with life?

Now. Is. The. Time.
