Tag: Captain Rookie

BP Offers “Elaborate” Funeral to Boat Captain’s Widow

BP Offers “Elaborate” Funeral to Boat Captain’s Widow

A BP representative offered the widow of Captain William Allen “Rookie” Kruse as an elaborate a funeral as she wanted to give her husband. More than just a slap in her face, this finally gives us the bottom line of what BP just doesn’t get. It’s not about money or fancy good-byes to one whose life was intertwined with the sea, it’s so much more.

For those lucky people who live their lives on the Gulf of Mexico, the connection they feel to Her is more than dollars and cents. She becomes part of them. Their lives are enriched by knowing Her and the creatures who live in and around Her. When She begins to die, a part of each person dies as well.
Their hearts are one with the sea. Watching the Gulf become choked with oil, witnessing the devastating effect on wildlife, and breathing fumes of death while working to help in the cleanup takes a toll on all involved. Even though these guys are old salts and may be a bit hard-edged, at their core they recognize the priceless value of a healthy sea, something BP cannot understand.
For so many decades BP and other oil company’s focus has been on profit…the ‘drill baby drill’ mentality. Our government has endorsed this behavior. They have not stopped to consider the consequences of their actions. Everything has been about money, the bottom line, and increased gain in their stock. That’s their modus operandi.

We are being given a golden moment in which we can re-educate BP and other oil companies about true values and morality of a higher level. They must learn from fishermen and children, scuba divers and surfers, residents and visitors, and from boat captains like “Rookie” about what it means to truly love…not money and profit but the magnificent resources of which we are caretakers.
May Captain Rookie’s death serve as a warning to all who put profits first instead of natural resources. May his life teach us all to value the wondrous gifts of nature and be honorable stewards.