Obsession…Dedication to Tuck

Obsession…Dedication to Tuck

imagesI spent over a decade working as a massage therapist, energy work practitioner and instructor. The great value of massage therapy and bodywork (such as Reiki, Polarity Therapy and process-oriented bodywork) is that it provided  a very good way for me to release old, stuck patterns in the body. And to support that process in others.



images-2Trauma of many kinds can cause us to develop patterns of movement and holding in the body that can eventually cause joint and muscle pain and injury. This works on an emotional level (example-you protect your heart by rounding your shoulders inward) and from a physical level (example– an accident produced an injury and you hold a muscular pattern around the area to protect it). With both emotional and physical injury, the result is the same–a holding pattern. Stuck-ness.

Movement is a valuable way to release these old patterns. Massage therapy, energy work, yoga and other forms of stretching are great ways to clear muscular/energy blocks. SUP boarding is, too, as well as other forms of core exercises. While these have served me well through the years, I’ve recently discovered another way to get healthier and it feeds my body and mind deliciously.

Pure Barre photograph
Pure Barre photograph

While visiting my daughter for her wedding she introduced me to Pure Barre through the Midland, Michigan studio. After the first class I was hooked. Vibrant and high-energy music, small movements designed to strengthen the core, along with motivating, supportive instructors create the perfect opportunity for positive change in the body and mind.

During the first class, as my legs were shaking and I was pushing through to work my legs and core, I felt emotions bubble up that completely surprised me. I didn’t have to understand or process them…I just allowed them to move up and out. Afterwards I felt clearer and more focused. And yes, I was tired as the workout was intense. I couldn’t wait for more so we did another class the day before the wedding.

After I got home I looked up Pure Barre studios in my area and discovered the Eastern Shore studio in Daphne. Not especially close, at 20 miles from home, but the drive has been totally worth it. During the past five days and five classes I have felt my body changing through shaking and stretching and tucking. It’s one of the most intense workouts I’ve ever done but it’s very low impact on the joints.

Pure Barre photo
Pure Barre photo

The instructors are trained to keep the class moving toward our personal goals. They provide a space for women (and men) to come together for 55 minutes of dedication to change. We all may have different specific goals but those attending do so to change. Coming together with others with the same intention and working…sweating…shaking…is powerful.

As I check in with my body, sitting here at my desk, I feel a strength within that is vital, alive and open…more open than I’ve been in a long while. Stronger than I’ve felt since…I can’t remember when. So yes, I’m into it and am happy to do whatever it takes to help my body and mind feel this great.

I am still doing my cardio through my elliptical trainer, walking and SUP boarding (if it ever stops storming) but there’s just something special about Pure Barre.

They say it’s addictive…that women become obsessed with Pure Barre. I get that. But I think of it as dedication to positive change. And why not? Changing, growing…feeling stronger…what could be better than that?





I'm going for the challenge...20 classes in 30 days!
I’m going for the challenge…20 classes in 30 days!

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