Letting Go

Letting Go

I realized today that I have been attached to people ‘getting’ the seriousness of the situation at the Gulf. Of understanding that all is NOT well there and the seafood is tainted with oil. I have invested a lot of energy into hoping…praying…that there would be an awakening that would positively affect not only the Gulf Coast, but the entire planet. The more I see attention-deficit mainstream media move on to other adreneline-pumping stories and leave the hard road of environmental and economic recovery of this area behind, the more stressed I become. Why? Because I have been attached to an outcome.

In my attachment, and the resulting anger that collectively people are just not getting it, I was missing the real reason for my monthly visits to the Gulf Coast–to minister to the wildlife and environment by telling the story. When I had that ‘ah-ha’ moment today, it felt like a weight lifted from my shoulders and I relaxed and refocused my attention–my INTENTION.

I let go today. I cannot force anyone to listen, pay attention, stop eating contaminated seafood, stop swimming in contaminated water or to slow down and really observe what is happening on the beaches, under the water, to the plants. By letting go I have more energy to devote to what I feel called to do: Document what I see, hear, smell, taste and feel when I am at the Gulf Coast. By telling the story, those willing to listen will have honest, truthful information.

Before the oil came ashore in Alabama, I made a promise to this Ghost Crab. After warning it to leave the beach and head for safer territory in the dunes, it helped me see that its loss of life could be a teaching–that all lives lost due to this disaster could be a teaching, a reminder, that our greed and misuse of resources is out of control. So in memory of this little teacher, I recommit to telling the story and let go of things and people I have no control over. Feels like a good step.

One Reply to “Letting Go”

  1. Thanks for your post, Simone. I find it very difficult to “let go” ….but, your post is a good reminder, and I’ll keep practicing.

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