Drumming Under Stars

Drumming Under Stars

Once a month, those so inclined join together along the shore of the narrow headwaters of the Magnolia River to drum. We have a unifying intention of unity and peace.

Last night there were only four of us but the evening was powerful. Stars overhead called us to connect with each other, our ancestors and nature…to reach out with open hearts and minds to the Cosmic Mind, God, Source, Greater Good…whatever you might label the Creative Source.

As we shared before the drumming began, each felt a sense of powerlessness over the situation of our planet, our country and the many global ills. For those of us less likely to be outwardly active and vocal along the front lines of change, we discussed the idea of devoting 30 minutes a day doing the energy work of our choice directing positive energy to the cause that tugs at our heart strings. Interestingly, this was a theme that had surfaced for us individually and as we came together, the idea took on larger proportions.

Meditation, prayer, dance, singing, drumming, creating music, practicing yoga with intention….whatever a person’s method for generating positive juju. For me, it’s using crystal singing bowls, flutes and later this week, a large gong will find its way into the healing space. By setting aside time and space and creating an intention of sending good vibes to the recipient of choice, we are doing something to make a difference.

Everyone can do thirty minutes a day. This is our planet, our country. It’s worth the time and effort. And the most incredible thing is this:  in the process we open our hearts and minds and therefore, heal our own lives as we send love and light to others. Amazing how that works!

I am considering adding a page to my website with a map. Every time someone lets me know they are participating I’ll add a pin. The idea is still forming.

Today I dedicated thirty minutes of sound healing to whales. Who might you devote thirty minutes of your day to?

For the women who gathered last night and stood beneath the stars drumming, thank you! May we dance in starlight always!


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