Coastal Defense — Crime Scene at the Fort

Coastal Defense — Crime Scene at the Fort

The guns and red brick walls of Ft Morgan once fortified the east side of the mouth of Mobile Bay during the Civil War. During subsequent wars and conflicts it was occupied by troops as coastline defense.

Today the fort is once again occupied with a force but this time they dress in white safety suits, wear rubber boots and are armed with tools used to clean up the invasion of sweet crude oil imminent in its arrival.

With each war humans invent new and more deadly ways to kill ourselves and each other. Now we can blame no other country, no other nation. We have inflicted this plague on ourselves by allowing corporate giants to exploit our home waters without requiring pre-tested measures in the event their fail-proof oil and gas rigs fail…by allowing them to rape and pillage our lands and waters unchecked.

Crime scene tape ropes off a historic bunker that National Guard troops were using as a path for their humvee’s to enter the beach. Workers at the fort put in a double row of yellow tape to stop their destruction of the bunker. I thought it was highly appropriate to line the entire coastal area of the Gulf of Mexico with crime scene tape. Make arrests, take the scoundrels to prison and then empower ourselves by taking responsibility for what happens in our backyards–by being aware and awake.

If only Fort Morgan could protect us from the oil….better yet, if it could protect us from ourselves.

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