Absorbing the Rain….And Other Blessings

Absorbing the Rain….And Other Blessings

It started raining yesterday afternoon and continued on and off through the night. This morning it poured. The metal roof on my home sings when it rains. Sometimes staccato, sometimes a constant shuuuuuu like a waterfall.

I can almost hear the earth lapping the sweet moisture as it slowly sinks into the loamy soil. The resurrection ferns in the ancient live oaks have come back to life, green once again due to the life-giving moisture.

This cloudy, soft, gray day has pushed me gently inward and within I find recent blessings taking root and growing. Going deeper into my being, the truths that came to me are finding a welcoming home and like the resurrection ferns, I feel myself nurtured and fed and thus unfurling my arms to capture the rain, to welcome the blessings.

Two days ago I had a transformative moment when I suddenly understood, on a visceral level–a cellular level–a deep truth for my life. Here’s what I wrote: After over half a century in this body I realize that all I have ever longed for is to free myself to allow love to move freely through me. No walls, no blocks or defenses….just allowing the sweetness of love to fill me, move through me and touch others however they are able to receive….never have I understood so fully that we are love. Our only task is to clear away everything that keeps us from being who we already are.

I absorbed the lesson–the truth–and it is transforming me. It is my moisture, my healing, my growth…in truth, it is my rain. What is your rain today? What is helping you go deeper into the truth of your being? May you find yourself surrounded by blessings.

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