A Healthy Dose of Nature

A Healthy Dose of Nature

simonelipscomb (11)Sometimes a bit of nature helps me find balance, especially when I have sudden and unexpected emotions pop up. Things have been going well for weeks with my heart opening with feelings of it delightfully expanding in unconditional love and all the good stuff. Then for some reason, around lunch time, it was like poof! And I felt off balance.

simonelipscomb (9)It’s normal to have ups and downs. Being human and living life guarantees emotional tides. But when they bounce in and jump out, like my orange boy cat trying to scare me, I don’t get it.

It was like a dark cloud hanging over me. But I went on with my day–shopping at the natural food store in Pensacola, planting veggie seeds in the garden, potting plants for the courtyard fence and I still felt weird. So I decided to head south.

simonelipscomb (8)Our sea turtle team has a nest very close to hatching so I drove down to the beach for sunset with my camera and tripod and visited with folks and took photographs. At one point I sat on the damp sand near the water’s edge and just allowed the motion of the waves to cleanse the cloud from around me. I sang a while to the sea and by the time I left, was feeling better. Still a bit ‘off’ but lighter.

simonelipscomb (1)No matter what I’m going through, a healthy dose of nature seems to make everything better.

2 Replies to “A Healthy Dose of Nature”

  1. Simone – Thanks so much for sharing your thoughts, insights, challenges and photography through this blog. I look forward to your posts. They are inspiring and always add a “peaceful moment” to my day. We are landlocked in the midwest and see the gulf only a few times a year. I frequently have days like you describe here and on those days I try to go to “my happy place” in my mind. It always involves sitting in the sand, sometimes alone, and sometimes with family and dog that always accompany me on our regular journeys south! My heart longs for the day when it becomes a part of my daily routine. Thought you should know that your posts are meaningful and informative. Appreciate your sharing!

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